Engagement in sport and physical activity is vital for children's physical and mental health, so on NCDUK we want as many children as possible to be running, climbing, cycling, swimming, chasing, playing with balls, or simply walking in the fresh air - and, above all, having fun!
Are you a national sports organisation with clubs/groups across the country, or a small local club? Whichever it is, how about arranging a special event linked to NCDUK for your child members? If you want to think big, that's great, but small and inexpensive is good too, and we would love you to involve as many under 18s as possible. Some might even come up with ideas and be keen to help run the day.
If you're an individual, group or organisation and want to create a special day for the child/children in your life, here are some suggestions of activities you could plan:
If you're an individual, group or organisation and want to create a special day for the child/children in your life, here are some suggestions of activities you could plan: